Saturday, August 5, 2017

Heaven's Light (by moonlight)

 will she don ballerina shoes (not for relaxing)
while playing with children to teach

or will she fall amongst the stars
and create a wave in heaven's unfurled (furthest) reach

and how will travel suit her (with betrayal or seduction)
if she faces towards the day will love succomb (or betray)

gentle swiftly feminine ideals fade to night (as lightning strikes ignite)
setting in motion thoughts of grandeur (while tired bones and body beg for tenure)

the Feminist, the lost one (the duck dabbles) while city crews dismantle
rising in a unisex chorus (WILL YOU)

negotiate-her. again. (WILL YOU) please organize (be precise) cherish us?

will (YOU) bring down the skies (so that we can just play and we can dance)?

And what (of the Light)? Will you disentangle this for (US)?

Asia 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


The Stars

When I hid my chocolate among the stars
it was only because I thought you would never look up

This was after I dreamt you had hidden yourself  among the trees of the deep, dark forest along the streams and the stones

 All I thought was, if only I could only dream about you ...
was the only way to see you

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why I consider embarrassment a strategy

I fell prey to being alone.

Neglected in the prison-pool of timelessness.
A precious resource that unfolded before me like never before.
I came into being as I came into loss.
And then, you returned.

I blamed you for leaving me alone in the first place,
unprotected and envious.  My needs mattering less and less.
The scales tipping towards those who demanded,
Those who prettied themselves, thinned themselves,
who appeared free, or should I say, unslaved.

What is it fair or not fair?

I had been given a role,
Afterall, I was given unilateral permission to have 'success' or become 'failure'.
As if I chose.  And IF I chose either? Or neither?
A split atom, a Schrodinger's cat... I might disappoint or even anger,

Falseness or truth. Despair or fashion. Drops or tides.
Alone I will say that, yes, alone. Alone while I waited.

The Angels Light Up the Night Sky

The angels light up the night sky while bandages around my heart keep the ache from spilling out into my protected silken bandages.  And yes, I am wrapped cautiously around "new". Veins in my arms mark the chapters of my story even yet while these chapters are still unfolding. I notice people that can't listen. I notice people that can help and do. I notice myself feeling pride in my closure of a door, with Love and peace. I wonder when the bruises will fade - I wonder. Moving is measured by the healing of the scrape on the top of my foot. by the number of bumps and bruises on my legs. by the broken finger nails, and dirt that remains underneath. By the sore muscles from the multiple life-heavy boxes I hand-carry up one set of stairs and down another. Up another. and open and clean and toss. Another set of stairs. The angels light up the night sky. The move is done and another chapter begins. As if reading one non-stop novel at a time isnt enough.

Monday, May 22, 2017

The Drummer Has Split the Infinite

Net Zero.

Net Zero. A drop in a bucket, is a zero net gain for my house. is in efficiency what my heart can fill with desire. The code kept pure in design. entanglements released. a clear stream for truth and certainty. there are more open doors than closed. and suggestions on how we manage our energy our heart our mind. streams of reality co-mixing woven, spun of the fabric of our being

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Timeless caverns

I. Timelessness of collage and composites The taste of guilt and sweetness on my lips this morning surprises me It is not one over the other as much as the equal qualities of each My memory is not what it once was…are we now sleeping with each other? You masculine. Me feminine. You own the world, and me, part of it. Me passive, sweet, cute funny. You in charge, radical, changer, maker of miracles. Me tired, passed out. You drinking one more mug of tea before bed. II. Once we were prince and princess to each other, were we? And are we now counter-climatic…the drain pulled while love is leaking out newly strangers

Sunday, February 5, 2017

The heart is to reality As plutonium is to Saturn Burning embers reminding us of truth inherent.
 Unlocked, unburdened