Friday, May 8, 2020



Ride the wave!
Catch the arc!

YOU are swimming in a foreign, an ancient and a
familiar universe.
Thrust in the Deep

ARE you blindly seeking
or are you seeing some common pathway in
this enveloping dark roller coaster ride?


You meld with an enormous being.
Will it become YOU?

I call to you
Can you,
Do you,  hear ME?

Vibrations, while soft, beat like a drum,
Lullaby libido in our cave;
Expansion.  Reverberation.  Ovulation. Evolution. Re-evaluation. Evaluation.
Sympathy.  Revolution. Volition.


Rehearse this phrase: There! Newness is created

A joyous ONE, of our two parts created on the moment
A conglomeration of all shared intimate pasts.



An infant's seat

,,, is cradled between our hearts
and I can see our attempts to love each other,
How we are so much like children in a playground.
Our feet bathed in the mud we named;
 "We are not of love".

This phrase, no longer a shock to us,
We name it: "Shame"
And it is carried like a torch,
Passing along these stories we keep for our parents,
and our  ancestors
Who stood once on this fertile soil and claimed;

I can imagine in the very beginning, maybe there was an argument,
It could have been the excitement,
or even a long-held desire for change
That started this incessant arguing over who is right
or,  who is wrong.

An argument that may have come from fear,

Aim. Steady. Fire!
This, this new now, becomes a perpetual mudslinging contest that has left us covered in layers of
anger, shame and fear and ... madness.
Our features are now so dirtied, truly we are unrecognizable in our shared, innocent hypocrisy.


We have known each other,
Swimming, paddling and splashing together for quite some time.

Since when we were but small tadpoles nursing the water
for the warmth we were remiss to have missed in our egg-stage.

We found ourselves in one pond floating and swamping it next to one another
schmoozing it up among the swamp weeds.  And there we were screaming and laughing about almost dying the last time the flood drowned our watering hole.
Or the sun, unrelenting, smiled on us too long and dried out our womb.

And there we were choking with the laughter of past sweethearts, the pain swelling in us and eventually erupting as an infant croak.

And then we wept, the salt-water tears spilled over;
overwhelming our fresh-water pool.

And yet we clung to the the weeds in our swamp, victims
Even as the salt seeped from our wounds, our pond-womb slowly gave way to contrivance as it slowly become an assault to our own existence.

We created great pain so afraid were we of birth into our new way
(Where we were promised lungs, legs to walk, on the land - upright - and be the well-loved amphibians that we were)

We were nearer to the answers than even I knew.
But to be crystal clear ... we wanted to know was the pond really dying for us?
Was it not breathing life for us anymore?

So we stayed ...
For awhile, until we actually felt deeply dismal hatred for the other
Blaming the other for the other's salt tears
Polluting our home.
All the while forgetting that our own tears,  even if unshed were intensifying the concentration
the salty ions, in our own bodies eventually shed in our shared pond.
And, still it continued...

We shouted, me at you - you at me.
I say it is you, who came here in the first place, in so much pain.   See here how I have been so supportive and still you question me about my motives! Are you faking your tears to get a respone from me? Or just creating a way to add your filth to our system while blaming me for your insolence?

We blamed still!.  You blamed me, I blamed you!
While we did - our pond was still filling with salt from our bleeding and morbid wounds.

And yet, neither of us desisted, nor did we leave .

I guess at a time of advance evolution we might leave for a little while but then longing for the other would return to the resulting low-brow come-ons, "Why are YOU still here?" or "Get off your fins and walk lilke an amphibian - you fear-based idiot tadpole!"

We struggled, You fought, I fought.  And so on and on (and on)  it went.


The great nothingness is beyond belief.  I stared into barren mysteries and it changed my heart from a place of yearning to being.  The Freedom of Being.

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